Law Panel Invite from Wolverhampton Grammar School

Here at Smestow Academy, we pride ourselves in sharing opportunities for our pupils and creating positive partnerships with local Schools.  We are grateful that Wolverhampton Grammar School have invited aspiring Lawyers from Years 10, 11 and 12, to attend "The Law Panel" which is a careers and networking event being held on Wednesday 12th March.

Pupils are invited to learn different pathways into Law, network with current professionals, obtain bespoke information, advice and guidance and gain knowledge on diverse areas of the sector.

If your child is interested in becoming a Lawyer, please do read the flyer attached and complete the link to book your place.

Thank you to Wolverhampton Grammar School for their kind invite.

We look forward to hearing all about the event from our pupils.

Year 10 Mock Interviews

Last half-term, we were grateful to host Carol Codner, our Careers and Enterprise advisor who gave sound advice to support our Year 10 pupils prepare for mock interviews with local employers.

Today, our Year 10 pupils attended their interviews and wow!  Our visitors were so impressed by how our pupils conducted themselves, the clear research that they had put into their chosen careers and the professionalism they were able to demonstrate as part of the interview process.

This event also supports pupils in achieving Gatsby Benchmark 5 - encounters with employers

Pupils had taken Carol's guidance and ensured that they attended on time, were dressed appropriately, engaged with the employers and pushed through any anxieties they may have had in order to leave a lasting impression.

Each of the 12 employers who visited, awarded a pupil with an achievement award meaning that 12 pupils were recognised for their efforts today.  A further 8 pupils were given honourable mentions for how hard they had worked too.  One colleague from a training provider also commented "students did the school proud".

We are immensely proud of all Year 10 for their approach to the mock interviews today.  We know that this will have made them step out of their comfort zone and overcome some challenges that they might not have felt that they could do before.

A huge thank you to all our colleagues from around the city for volunteering their time today and to Carol for supporting our School.

Fantastic effort Year 10 - keep the good work up!

Vamos Theatre at Smestow Academy!

We are proud to be working with Vamos Theatre this afternoon here at Smestow!  Vamos Theatre is the UK's leading full mask theatre company, taking its funny and fearless brand of wordless theatre across the length and breadth of the country and beyond since 2006.

Vamos Theatre’s trademark style marries full mask with strong visual design and an original soundtrack. The company make accessible, humorous, human, and fearless work which is based on real life stories, and their productions are rooted strongly in social research.

Not only are a group of our Key Stage 3 pupils participating in a workshop with a member of the Vamos cast this afternoon, we are also going to watch the company perform at the Arena Theatre in Wolverhampton this evening!  This afternoon's activities will be a true example of all our teaching principles - sharing new ideas and concepts, reviewing what we already know, chunking new content, checking for our understanding of how this then applies to our professional practice!  

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #WelcomingandCaringEnvironment #STPs #VamosTheatre #ProfessionalCollaboration

RAG Cards

Pupils in year 11 participated in a quick quiz on the Earth's atmosphere using their RAG cards in their planners. This demonstrated the smestow teaching principle of check for understanding and allowed the teacher to address any misconceptions pupils may have before moving on to introducing new content. 

Children's Mental Health Week

This week to celebrate Childrens’ Mental Health week and to support children develop the Smestow Mental Health Top Tip of “Keep learning” the maths department have been providing puzzles. Puzzles are a fun way to relax and supports mental health by encouraging children to keep learning and build resilience. Problem solving skills support pupils to tackle all kinds of problems in their everyday life and are not only for the maths classroom.

Year 7 pupils have worked on the “St Ives” problem, the “coins in envelopes” problem and the “guitar” problem in their maths lessons this week.

French Pupils celebrating Children's Mental Health Week

Key Stage 4 French students celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week in their lessons this week with cupcakes baked for them by the MFL Faculty. The green represents the Mental Health logo and pupils were encouraged to enjoy a cake and think about the value of mental health. Year 10 pupils will soon be starting a unit of work for the new French Edexcel GCSE examination, which focuses on the importance of mental health and wellbeing. One of our Smestow Academy values is that we offer a ‘welcome and caring environment’ which is really important for everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. We really hope that everyone enjoyed their cakes!

Headteacher’s Pride

We're on the front page of the Express & Star.

Headteacher's pride at once 'inadequate' Wolverhampton school which is now one of city's best

The headteacher of a once "inadequate" Wolverhampton secondary school which is now one of the top performing in the city has spoken of his pride at the turnaround.

Ian Chamberlain took on the role of head at Smestow Academy in Castlecroft in January 2023 when it became part of the Matrix Academy Trust.

The school, previously known as Smestow School, received a stinging Ofsted report in 2022 prior to joining the academy - with inspectors criticising its leadership and safeguarding standards - as well as having a succession of headteachers in a small number of years.

But the picture is now looking a lot rosier for Smestow, as Mr Chamberlain said the once "chaotic" school has made progress.

Mr Chamberlain said: "I just feel really proud, everyone has worked really hard and pulled together, both in our school and the trust - it has been a collective effort.

Aston University Opportunity for Years 9 and 10

As part of National Careers Week, Aston University is hosting a Parents and Carers Evening for students in year 9/10 to provide information, advice, and guidance on Higher Education on Thursday 6th March 5pm – 7:30pm. Please note, parents can arrive up 5:50pm (there is an optional campus tour at the start).Parents can book their place via or find out more via their website You are invited to join staff for an evening of discovery to learn more about future education pathways, career opportunities and the skills needed to succeed at GCSEs and beyond. Attendees will learn about the benefits of higher education, including the range of courses on offer and their entry requirements to explore the vast array of career choices available.

Programme Overview

Please note, light refreshments will be provided. Please make Aston University aware on the booking form of any dietary requirements.

We are very grateful to Aston University for inviting our pupils to this fantastic event.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #Careers #AstonUniversity

Health & Social Care - Careers Talk

Today, Sixth Form Health and Social Care students were able to meet with a member of our English department; Miss Wright, who before teaching was a Social Worker. 

Miss Wright discussed the university application process and what her degree was like when studying to become a social worker. She gave an insight into what the job was like and also what skills she has been able to transfer from social work to teaching.

Miss Wright is currently studying for her Masters degree whilst teaching, so she was also able to advise students of this process too.

Our Sixth Formers asked some insightful questions and will be apply to their new knowledge to our forthcoming coursework unit based on meeting individual care needs.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #HealthandSocialCare #Careers 

Contact Info

Smestow Academy
Windmill Crescent
Castlecroft, Wolverhampton
West Midlands

T: 01902539500

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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