Smestow Academy's advent calendar of kindness is back for 2024! As part of our demonstration of active citizenship in school, we have an advent calendar of kindness to promote our welcoming and caring environment. Pupils are able to access the calendar on our TV screens and on posters around our school building. It also gives a chance to explore our mental health top tips and connect with others. Examples of our acts of kindness include: hold the door open for others, help to make dinner, send a nice text message to a family member and donate an item of tinned goods to a food bank.
We have boxes in school for pupils to make their donations of tinned goods if they are able and our personal development ambassadors will deliver these to The Well which is a foodbank in Wolverhampton that supports the whole city before we break for the holidays.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #AdventCalendarofKindness #PersonalDevelopment #ActiveCitizenship #WelcomingandCaring #Connect #TheWellWolverhampton