Maths Puzzle for Mental Health Week

As part of mental Health awareness week - 7X1 had a look at this puzzle in maths on Friday  and  tried to find as many words as possible

These are the words they  came up with in 10 minutes














Paul was particularly pleased that his name was worth 50p!

Globalbridge at Smestow Academy

We are proud to have partnered with Globalbridge - an online platform that will allow our pupils to track their experiences and achievements, and work towards their long-term career goals.

As part of our growing careers curriculum here at Smestow Academy, we wanted to enable our pupils to record the vast array of experiences that they have both inside and outside of our school, which can then support and shape their future choices.  Globalbridge will allow pupils to reflect on their current activities and identify what they want to do next - this could be exploring a new pupil leadership role, taking part in an extra-curricular club or recognising their hard work across their subjects in school.

We have launched Globalbridge in school today and will be giving all pupils the chance to update their profiles across the academic year, but they are welcome to login at anytime to update their platform.

City of Wolverhampton Youth Council

Congratulations to T.Cox and T. Jones who have officially been announced as successful representatives of the City of Wolverhampton Youth Council. Here they are pictured with The Mayor of Wolverhampton and Director of Children's Services.

These 2 pupils will work closely with City of Wolverhampton Council’s directors and councillors to promote the voice of young people at Smestow Academy and be committed to ensuring that their ideas, concerns, and aspirations are not only heard, but embedded into decisions that affect their lives.

We are looking forward to see the positive and powerful impact that these 2 pupils have on our community. 

Youth Declaration Event

#SuccessAchievedTogether #MakingADifferenceEveryday #YouthLeadership


There are some wonderful things going on in reading at Smestow at the moment...we have some new class reads coming to the library for reading lessons for Years 7, 8 and 9Y2...can you 'Spy' what one of them might be?

Very soon your English teachers will be giving out your World Book Day vouchers, to every pupil across the school, what will you put yours towards? Maybe you will want to spend it at our Book Fair which is coming soon.

And we have passed the 15 million words read in Accelerated Reader. This is an amazing achievement. This week we would like to say a massive well done to A. Kauser from 7Y1 for the highest number of words read in their teaching set.

Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children's Mental Health Week.  Set up in 2015, this year marks the 11th year of Place2Be raising awareness of mental health in young people.  

The theme this year is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself" and encourages children, young people and adults to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.  This will help them to grow and develop resilience to cope with whatever life may throw at them.

Here at Smestow Academy, we promote positive mental health by celebrating our top tips of Be Active, Connect, Give, Keep Learning and Take Notice.  Pupils will be exploring these in lessons this week, talk about importance of Children's Mental Health Week in assemblies (led by Heads of House), complete mindful colouring at lunchtime and also be given "time to talk" at lunchtime with members of our Mental Health Team in School.

We will be sharing images of our active citizenship opportunties to raise awareness of Children's Mental Health Week over the next few days but also want to share this sheet from Place2Be for our families too.

If you are concerned about your child and their mental health, please take a look at our mental health support flyer (signposting to support online) or contact your child's Head of House at school.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #CMHW25 #knowyourselfgrowyourself #MentalHealth #tellingschool

Further Education Providers Assemblies at Smestow Academy

Our careers programme here at Smestow Academy is underpinned by the Gatsby Benchmarks. As part of our commitment to fulfilling benchmark 7 (supporting our pupils in years 8-11 accessing further education providers), we were delighted to host Georgia from Walsall College and Sam from Dudley College this morning in school.

Both colleagues delivered assemblies to year groups and talked about the variety of opportunities available at both providers, including accessing apprenticeships.

Thanks to Georgia and Sam for their time this morning and for helping our pupils.

Stem Day Workshop

Year 7's took part in a stem day workshop which involved them designing a station of the future and constructing a tunnel which will withstand the weight of 1kg of sand. 

It was a brilliant day and all pupils showed fantastic teamwork and leadership skills.

Well done year 7 and a massive congratulations to the winning team

#engineers #stem #successachievedtogether 

Creative Arts

Mr Bryan is incredibly proud of how his Year 11 Art  group have been taking full advantage of our teaching principle of "review" this week: 

"This week, we have been taking a holistic approach to whole class feedback. As a teacher I can easily see how my pupils are progressing as a whole. In turn, they can see how well their peers are performing, leading to organic conversations between them as to how results are achieved. Best of all, they can all visibly see how they're doing on a week by week basis and take pride in what they've achieved together"

Matilda Auditions

On Wednesday 29th Janurary, we held auditions for Matilda JR. and were thrilled to see 33 incredibly talented pupils audition for a role in the musical. Over the past week, they’ve been putting in a tremendous amount of effort, learning their scripts and songs. During the auditions, it was truly heartwarming to witness the spirit of collaboration as students supported and rehearsed with one another, perfectly embodying our Smestow value of a 'Welcoming and Caring Environment.' Miss Field and Mr. Stephenson were absolutely blown away by the talent on display, and we’re beyond excited to have such a gifted cast. We can’t wait to showcase their incredible abilities in this unforgettable production!

Personal Development CPD at Smestow Academy

As part of our ever-evolving personal development curriculum here at Smestow Academy, we were delighted to host Amanda Evans, lead teacher for PSHE from City of Wolverhampton Council to our staff CPD last night.

Amanda supported staff in delivering sensitive topics, ahead of our Relationships and Sex Education module which will be delivered to pupils after February half-term.  She gave a detailed reasons as to why Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) is integral to our curriculum and how to support our pupils in handling sensitive topics in the classroom.  We also discussed key data across the city and why the delivery of all personal development topics are so important.  Details of our RSE policy can be found here:

Thanks Amanda for your support to our team.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #PersonalDevelopment #RSE

Contact Info

Smestow Academy
Windmill Crescent
Castlecroft, Wolverhampton
West Midlands

T: 01902539500

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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