For the first time at Smestow Academy, Year 7 students had the opportunity to take part in Young Voice 2023 at Resorts World in Birmingham along with over 6000 other students across schools in the West Midlands. The students worked hard learning songs and dance moves for the concert, and what a fantastic job they did! They had the experience of performing with a live band, professional singers and musicians including:
-Heather Small
-The Beatbox Collective
-Anna Phoebe
Urban Strides also taught them some brilliant dance moves and even got the parent and carers involved.
The student's behaviour was excellent throughout the day and represented the school well. Thank you to all the parents and carers that came along to the performance and supported the children learning the songs, the students for their hard work even when they were tired after rehearsing all afternoon in Birmingham, and to the staff that help support me on the day.
Well done to all that took part in the day.