Christmas Assembly!

Well done to our Heads of House, Mr Sidhu and Mr Holmes for another fantastic end of term assembly!  It was full of performances, competitions, awards and sing-a-longs!  A big shout out goes to Mr Webb for his fantastic DJ skills for the event too.  Well done to all pupils who were awarded spirit of their house and those who won Sparx maths challenges.  Wishing everyone a very safe, happy and healthy holidays and looking forward to seeing you all in the new year.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #ChristmasAssembly #HeadsofHouse

Decorate your Door!

Staff and pupils have participated in the final house competition of the year today, decorating their doors ahead of the holidays! Well done to everybody for their efforts and for taking part! It was a very difficult decision for Mr Chamberlain and Mr Heywood who judged the competition - who would have been your winner?

Autumn Term Active Citizenship

This term has seen our staff and pupils fully embrace our personal development programme, in particular our active citizenship programme.  We aim to raise awareness of a variety of events taking place, not just at Smestow, but nationally and globally too.  You will have seen from our posts over the last 4 months, the activities that have taken place in school and we are grateful to our school community for taking part.  We are looking forward to what the Spring term brings!  Thank you to everyone for your contributions.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #ActiveCitizenship #PersonalDevelopment

Christmas Jumper Day and Mince Pies & Carols

Today marked Smestow Academy's Christmas Jumper Day, alongside our second Mince Pies & Carols Event.  Staff and pupils were invited to wear their Christmas jumpers for a £1 donation to Save the Children.   Key stage 3 parents and carers were invited to join us in school for a morning of festivities and refreshments, with performances curated by our Creative Arts department.  We had keyboard soloists, singers, excerpts from "Nativity the musical" and even a pointe solo from one of our Year 9s!  We are very proud of all our performers who have worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks perfecting their performances for today and grateful to those families who were able to join us this morning!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #ChristmasJumperDay #MincePiesandCarols #activecitizenship #savethechildren #personaldevelopment #fundraising

Bridge Design

On Tuesday pupils in 8X3, 8Y1 and 8Y2 took part in a stem day which involved pupils planning, designing and building prototypes of bridges and testing these to see whether they will withstand the weight. Pupils had team roles such as Project manager, finance manager, designer, structural engineer, community lead and marketing executive. Pupils demonstrated brilliant teamwork, leadership, problem solving, creativity skills and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Well done to all the pupils who took part an designed some fantastic bridges. 

#stem #engineering #futurescientist

One of the most improved secondary schools in the country!

Smestow is officially one of the most improved secondary schools in the country!

I am delighted that we can now officially celebrate our wonderful GCSE exam results from last
Summer as the performance tables have now been published by the Department for Education. As
we thought, we are one of the most improved schools in the country for pupil Progress (21st most
improved Progress 8 score out of over 3000 secondary schools), and we have moved from being 4th
worst for pupil progress in Wolverhampton (out of the 20 secondary schools) to 6th best in the space
of one year! Please see below link:

All schools and colleges in Wolverhampton - Compare school and college performance data in
England - GOV.UK

Please see below table to summarise our Headline figures for last year in comparison to previous

I would also like to thank parents for their support in continuing to help us improve attendance at
school as we have now surpassed the national average figure from, once upon a time, being one of
the worst attending schools in the country. Our 3.5% increase last academic year from (85.4% To
88.9%) has now been followed by a 3.4% increase so far this year to 92.3%. A true example of
‘Success achieved together’, where less of our children will have gaps in their learning and will be
able to maximise their achievements and progress.

Staying Safe over the Festive Season

As the holidays are nearly upon us, we wanted to share this #wakeupwednesday advice from The National College.

We would ask that parents and carers take five minutes to read the information given in support of maintaining safety over the festive period - this includes road safety, travel plans,  digital and considering stress and fatigue.

We wish all our families and a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

Christmas Jumper Day at Smestow Academy

Smestow Academy are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on Wednesday 18th December 2024.  Staff and pupils are invited to wear their Christmas jumper alongside their uniform for a £1 donation in support of Save the Children.

Save the Children is a non-government organisation which was founded in the UK in 1919.  Their goal is to improve the lives of children worldwide.  We are choosing to support Christmas Jumper Day as the charity aligns with our Smestow Values of success achieved together, make a difference every day, equality and respect for all and strive to be our best.  Our fundraising is another example of the active citizenship that we are promoting in school.

Mince Pies & Carols at Smestow Academy

Parents and Carers of pupils in years 7, 8 and 9 are invited to join us in school on Wednesday 18th December for a morning of refreshments and festivities.  Our creative arts department have created some superb work to showcase and we will have a sing-a-long of some christmas favourites to celebrate the forthcoming holiday.  

There is no charge for this event, however, we do ask for donations to our house charities as part of our active citizenship in school.

Please respond to the invite on we-duc or return the reply slip on the letter to reception by Monday 16th December to confirm how many guests will be joining us.

Reflexions at Smestow Academy

Here at Smestow Academy, we are very fortunate to be supported by our local mental health support team, Reflexions.  This can be through 1-to-1 sessions for individualised support, group sessions looking at exam stress management or parent support at progress evenings.

Reflexions are holding an open discussion with the National Team whose role it is to inform the Government about Mental Health provision in schools.  It is your opportunity to have your voice heard and put your experiences forward to the team.  

Contact Info

Smestow Academy
Windmill Crescent
Castlecroft, Wolverhampton
West Midlands

T: 01902539500

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
