Today, pupils in all year groups have been part of LGBTQ+ assemblies delivered by the charity "Just Like Us". The assemblies were led by members of the charity who are also part of the LGBTQ+ community. They shared their lived experiences and signposted pupils where to get support. Our pupils behaved superbly well, especially given that our assemblies were led via teams. They were attentive and showed respect to our presenters. "Choose respect" has been a theme for our anti-bullying assemblies this week too, so the presentation from Just Like Us was an important part of our celebration of Anti-Bullying Week this week, and also ahead of Transgender Awareness Week next week.
Rainbow pins will be available at break time from Miss Gee's room and have been created by the fashion club to show our support for LGBTQ+ at Smestow Academy.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #Equalityandrespectforall #AntiBullyingWeek24 #JustLikeUs #ChooseRespect