A fantastic start to PE here at Smestow Academy with some excellent resilience, perseverance and teamwork shown in all lessons. These 3 values and skills are the focus of our lessons at the start of the academic year with all students having to show these at some stage in their lessons, whether it be working together as a team in the OAA challenges or showing resilience and perseverance when learning a new skill in Volleyball. We have been so impressed with the attitude of all students in PE lessons so far this year.
We have to do a big shoutout to all of the students who have attended clubs whether it be in the morning before school or after school, we have had over 110 different students attend clubs in the first two weeks of them being open to students. We are super proud and happy with this engagement from our students and would love to reach the 200 mark in the next two weeks, after school clubs include Football for both Boys and Girls, Badminton, Cheerleading and Volleyball. A special mention to the new before school club that Mr Holmes runs on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8am where we have had some great engagement from all year groups. They have been involved in some futsal tournaments so far this week where there has been some great skill and effort on show.
Huge well done to all of our students in all lessons and after school clubs, let’s help us reach that mark of 200 different students attending clubs in the next two weeks. #smestowpe