This week is Children's Mental Health Week. Set up in 2015, this year marks the 11th year of Place2Be raising awareness of mental health in young people.
The theme this year is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself" and encourages children, young people and adults to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. This will help them to grow and develop resilience to cope with whatever life may throw at them.
Here at Smestow Academy, we promote positive mental health by celebrating our top tips of Be Active, Connect, Give, Keep Learning and Take Notice. Pupils will be exploring these in lessons this week, talk about importance of Children's Mental Health Week in assemblies (led by Heads of House), complete mindful colouring at lunchtime and also be given "time to talk" at lunchtime with members of our Mental Health Team in School.
We will be sharing images of our active citizenship opportunties to raise awareness of Children's Mental Health Week over the next few days but also want to share this sheet from Place2Be for our families too.
If you are concerned about your child and their mental health, please take a look at our mental health support flyer (signposting to support online) or contact your child's Head of House at school.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #CMHW25 #knowyourselfgrowyourself #MentalHealth #tellingschool