Rewards Assembly

At the start of each term as a school, we look back and celebrate all of the effort, hard-work and achievements our wonderful pupils are making in their studies. Our rewards assemblies are a key part of our rewards programme and annual calendar, having three opportunities each year to celebrate together. These assemblies are a perfect example of 'success achieved together' as well as 'strive to improve and be your best'. 

Awards for most improved pupil as well as top performing pupil are awarded from class teachers in all subjects and classes. Being top of the class is a real achievement, but most improved pupil is a real testament to the effort, resilience and perseverance of many of our pupils. We also acknowledge our 'Smestow superstars' who get it right every single day and epitomise all of our Smestow values in all they do in lessons. 

Success achieved together is just that, with our dedicated staff working incredibly hard with our pupils, which is fostering a climate of positive relationships, high engagement and productive learning. All of these are the hallmarks of a successful school which was perfectly demonstrated in our excellent GCSE results in summer 2024, and our national success in improving our pupil progress. 

Well done to the many pupils that received awards, and for those who did not this time around, make sure you are doing all you can to show yourself positively and achieve the success you deserve in the future. 

Widening Participation Programmes

Attention all Year 12 students! Widening Participation Programmes help students from disadvantaged backgrounds to progress onto University and Apprenticeships after Sixth Form. All the programmes listed below are FREE. There are sometimes small costs for travel but in most cases, all expenses are covered. Should any funding issues arise, please speak to the Sixth Form team. Any of these programmes can be completed alongside your A levels/BTECs without too much impact on your spare time. If you require any more information speak to the Sixth Form team who will be happy to help.


Year 9/10 Geography

In Geography, our Year 10 GSCE pupils have been completing 2D models of the Global Atmospheric Circulation. This enables them to see how air circulates around the Earth and why we have differences in climate. 

Our Year 9 pupils recently played the Indian Game of Life where they were able to understand the life of an Indian migrant, experiencing many opportunities and challenges along the way as they moved from square to square. The game helped pupils to understand the process of rural to urban migration and pupils really enjoyed playing the game!

Science Club

In science club at Smestow, pupils will have the opportunities to take part in fun practicals and various other scientific activities. 

Here are some of the upcoming activities : 

A hygiene and bacterial growth investigation; A STEM investigation to design and build a parachute which will safely deliver an egg; An investigation to determine which type of antacid is the most effective at neutralising hydrochloric (stomach) acid.

By joining Smestow science club, pupils can enhance their scientific knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a passion for science.

Come join every Wednesday after school with Mrs Neish and Miss Collett

Sparx pupils of the week

This week pupils at Smestow Academy continued with a high success rate on Sparx maths. 7G2 were our form of the week with 94% of students completing their homework to 100%. A. Iordache and M. Yasir were chosen by Ms Collett to represent their form.

 7Y2 were our maths class of the week because they had an average XP of 1105Xp per student. This shows a significant commitment to Sparx maths this week. L. Hussein was chosen by Mrs Butler to collect the award on behalf of 7Y2.

Creative Arts Talent

Extraordinary work by our pupils in Smestow Academy's art department. We're currently creating nature inspired pieces influenced by the portrait works of Marco Mazzoni and the animal floral hybrids of Veronica Steiner. Whether it's working in graphite and colouring pencil, pen or watercolour, our students our exceptionally talented!

International Day of Peace

Our assemblies this week have acknowledged the International Day of Peace which takes place annually on 21st September and started in 1981.  This year is especially poignant as it marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly having adopted the declaration and programme of action on a culture of peace.  The values, as laid out by the UN General Assembly are; respect for life, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the promotion of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation; commitment to peaceful settlement of conflicts; and adherence to freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels of society and among nations.

Here at Smestow Academy, one of our Smestow values is to provide and welcoming and caring environment which we think supports this action for a culture of peace.

#SmestowAcademy #SuccessAchievedTogether #InternationalDayofPeace #welcomingandcaringenvironment

Smestow PE Update

A fantastic start to PE here at Smestow Academy with some excellent resilience, perseverance and teamwork shown in all lessons. These 3 values and skills are the focus of our lessons at the start of the academic year with all students having to show these at some stage in their lessons, whether it be working together as a team in the OAA challenges or showing resilience and perseverance when learning a new skill in Volleyball. We have been so impressed with the attitude of all students in PE lessons so far this year.

We have to do a big shoutout to all of the students who have attended clubs whether it be in the morning before school or after school, we have had over 110 different students attend clubs in the first two weeks of them being open to students. We are super proud and happy with this engagement from our students and would love to reach the 200 mark in the next two weeks, after school clubs include Football for both Boys and Girls, Badminton, Cheerleading and Volleyball. A special mention to the new before school club that Mr Holmes runs on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8am where we have had some great engagement from all year groups. They have been involved in some futsal tournaments so far this week where there has been some great skill and effort on show.

Huge well done to all of our students in all lessons and after school clubs, let’s help us reach that mark of 200 different students attending clubs in the next two weeks. #smestowpe

Autin Dance Theatre

On Monday 16th September we had the fantastic Autin Dance Theatre in leading a full day professional dance workshop. 24 pupils of our pupils participated, and they all worked extremely hard throughout the day consistently  demonstrating our Smestow values. The workshop day was intense, yet all pupils persevered and continued to demonstrate their amazing talent. The choreography that the pupils worked on during the day will be performed alongside the professionals on Friday 27th September, which they are all very excited for! 

Contact Info

Smestow Academy
Windmill Crescent
Castlecroft, Wolverhampton
West Midlands

T: 01902539500

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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